Trains to depart from Platform 7 


If you've travelled with us before you'll know there's usually at least one train on the platforms at Paddington Station, ready to board. 

Until early 2021, Heathrow Express services from London Paddington will depart from Platform 7 only, between 05:00 and 21:00 Monday to Friday. This is while we work alongside Great Western Railway and TfL Rail to run more, faster trains to destinations west of London using the same number of platforms at Paddington Station. 


Departure times 


Services from London Paddington still depart every 15 minutes at 10, 25, 40 and 55 minutes past the hour. After 9pm and at weekends Heathrow Express services will depart from both Platforms 6&7. Services from Terminals 2&3 to London Paddington will depart one minute earlier at 02, 17, 32 and 48 minutes past the hour.


Get on board sooner 


Platforms and ticket barriers at Paddington station may be busier than usual, especially during peak times. To get on board sooner please stand back from the edge of the platform and allow other customers off the train before boarding. To make your journey faster, please have your tickets, contactless card or Oyster card ready when arriving at the station. Always touch in and out to pay the correct fare including if ticket barriers are open. 


Terminal 5 


If you’re travelling from Terminal 5 there will always be at least one train ready to board. Please see departure screens or a member of the station team to board the next service. 


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