How do I get from Oxford to Heathrow Airport?

For the fastest and most efficient route from Oxford to London Heathrow, simply board any direct service from Oxford to London Paddington and change at the central London station to catch the Heathrow Express. It couldn't be simpler.

With trains leaving London Paddington every 15 minutes, the Heathrow Express is the easiest way to arrive at Heathrow Airport in plenty of time for your flight.

Once you arrive at London Paddington and disembark your Oxford train, simply make your way to the dedicated Heathrow Express platforms 6 and 7. Keep your eyes on your journey planner and on the boards at the station as we sometimes use other platforms at Paddington. 


Heathrow Express Time Comparison

How long does it take to get from Oxford to London Heathrow?

Train journeys from Oxford to London Heathrow, or Heathrow to Oxford, can take up around two hours, although the quickest journeys are closer to one and a quarter hours.

Our Heathrow Express services run every 15 minutes from Paddington and arrives into Heathrow Central in just 15 minutes, with an additional journey time of six minutes to Terminal 5 station. Passengers flying from either Terminal 2 or 3 at Heathrow will leave the Heathrow Express service at Heathrow Central, while Terminal 5 station serves flights leaving from Terminal 5. If you're flying from Terminal 4 you can jump on a quick connecting shuttle bus from Heathrow Central.

Is there a direct train between Oxford and London Heathrow Airport (LHR)?

There are no direct trains from Oxford to Heathrow. As there are no direct Oxford to Heathrow trains, the quickest option is to journey from Oxford to London Paddington and board the Heathrow Express at Paddington. With journey times between Paddington and London Heathrow being just 15 minutes, this will ensure your time spent travelling is as short as possible.

How much does it cost to get from Oxford to Heathrow?

When booking your train ticket from Oxford to Heathrow in advance, you may be able to secure your ticket for under £30.

To ensure your journey is as cost effective as it can be, book your Heathrow Express ticket as early as possible. When booking at least 90 days in advance, you can save up to 40% of the cost of your train ticket and secure an Advanced Purchase Single for as little as £15. Kids of 15 and under will also travel free.

If you purchase your ticket closer to your day of travel you can expect to pay £22 for an Off-Peak Single on Express Class and £32 for an Anytime Day Single on Business First Class.

Learn more about our tickets and offers

Why choose Heathrow Express?

As well as journeys from Oxford, the Heathrow Express is also the ideal option for travelling within London like Euston, Victoria or Kings Cross and further afield from Stratford or Milton Keynes.

On all Heathrow Express trains, there is a choice of two classes for your journey to Heathrow Airport. Passengers onboard our Express class enjoy spacious seats and ample luggage racks to store both their hold and carry on luggage, while those opting for Business First Class benefit from additional legroom as well as a personal table to catch up on any work before their flight. We also provide power sockets and free newspapers and magazines for Business First Class passengers.

Passengers on either class will also benefit from our complimentary 4G-enabled Wi-Fi, as well as our onboard TV service featuring BBC World News, weather and entertainment clips, and useful journey information.

*Journey times based on route between London Paddington and Heathrow Terminal 3. Data sources: Google Maps for journey time by Taxi, TfL Journey Planner for journey time by Tube Tfl Rail and Heathrow Express. For Tube and Tfl Rail, the journey time represents an average, based on estimated best journey times shown on TfL Journey Planner on the hour every hour from 5am to 10pm for each day of August 2019. For Taxi, the journey time represents an average, based on an estimated range of journey times shown on Google Maps on the hour every hour from 5am to 10pm for each day of August 2019.